Sullivan Blue Dolphin Swim Team is a Non-For-Profit Organization and is ran by a Board of Directors comprised of parent volunteers. All Board Members shall maintain USA Swimming non-athlete membership in good standing. The board currently meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Any parent is welcome to attend. Below you will find the parents that have volunteered their time to serve on the Sullivan Blue Dolphins Board of Directors.
President Kim Drury Vice President Kent Schmohe Secretary Jamie Crosier
Treasurer Kevin Crosier Historian Sarah Pohue Membership Cortney Hall
Publicity Jamie Perrott Fundraising Julia Martin Social Jody Van Uytven
Safety Haley Hess Coach Representative Jason Drury
Article II of the Sullivan Blue Dolphins ByLaws addresses the election of board members.
Article II Members
Section 1: No person shall be denied membership because of his or her race, sex, color, creed or religion. The acceptance of a swimmer on the team shall also constitute the parents or guardians into membership. The designation of such classes and the qualifications of the members of such class shall be as follows:
- Voting Member - subject to approval of the Board of Directors, any adult parent or guardian of a swimmer on the Sullivan Blue Dolphin Swim Team, Head Coach(es). At the Board of Directors discretion, a non-parent Board Member holding Stroke and Turn Certification or higher level in current standing may be seated on the Board. Any non-parent Board Member can be removed at any time by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
- Non-Voting Members - any adult person or guardian who has a swimmer on the Sullivan Blue Dolphin Swim Team is automatically a non-voting member. Any parent is eligible to hold a position on the board.
Section 2: Election of Members. Members shall be elected by the board of directors. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the directors shall be required for election. Directors are required to uphold a fair and equal process for membership election. Notice to all non-voting members of elections must be sent prior to elections. All parents and guardians of a swimmer in good standing must be offered any open positions on the voting board. Five days of open nominations will be held to fill any open board position. After the five-day waiting period for nominations the sitting Board of Directors at the next board meeting will vote to position the most qualified member to the board.